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WFF-WBBF in Asia
India takes the lead of bodybuilding in Asia

In February 2010 the first India WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) National Championship was held in Nangal (Punjab). At the Event among the honorable quests was a famous India public and religious leader BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI, who arrived accompanied by multiple armed quards. Also officially announcing the membership of India in the International Federation the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part at the Event. Together with a few thousands spectators Government Rehabilitation Council member DR. K.R.ARYA was present at the WFF-WBBF India Nationals too. The Over All 2010 WFF-WBBF India Championship Winner was ATUL TEHRAN and the former Over All India Bodybuilding Champion DHARMENDER was guest posing at the event in Nangal.
While communicating with the Honorable Guests of the Event the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was invited to visit the residence of the BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI. Government Rehabilitation Council member DR. K.R.ARYA took EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to the residence by the special car of India State Government. BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI is one of the most India State guarded persons, so the visitors a few times had to pass a thorough armed military control. During the visit BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI spoke about phylosophical religious problems, accompanied by guards presented new built temple, his residence and surrounding territories, communicated with a number of piligrimes. Discussing about sport situation in India, BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI proposed to organize the 2011 WFF-WBBF World Championship at his residence.
The leaders of contemporary bodybuilding in India are: SANDEEP CHANDER (President WFF-WBBF India), PRINCE OPPAL, SACHIN RANA, MANPREET SINGH. During the International President‘s visit to India representing eleven countries new WFF-WBBF Asia Federation was founded to be registered in India. Just after a few months India plans to organize WFF-WBBF Asia Championship (open). That means that atletes form other Continents can take part at the event too. Very soon we will meet India sportsmen participating at the WFF-WBBF International events in Europe. More information is on , read forum.
WFF-International Official Information Only
International Conformation for WFF-WBBF India to be officially registered.
wff_edita Wrote:During the ten days lasting visit of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India two press conferences were organized. The President visited many famous bodybuildiung gyms, spoke with India bodybuilding leaders and sportsmen. The Indian sport society got acguainted with the International WFF-WBBF activities and with the WFF-WBBF plans in India and Asia.
All were interested in the clumsy situation about two IFBB federations and their fight in between. The President evaluated all International Bodybuilding Structures from the point of view of Law. To prove the words told he addressed all to get the documentary approval at, forum, „IFBB illegal financial deals“ and if needed, to get the originals of these documents.
Such transport was on the Punjab streets on the day of the contest:
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:During the ten days lasting visit of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India two press conferences were organized. The President visited many famous bodybuildiung gyms, spoke with India bodybuilding leaders and sportsmen. The Indian sport society got acguainted with the International WFF-WBBF activities and with the WFF-WBBF plans in India and Asia.
All were interested in the clumsy situation about two IFBB federations and their fight in between. The President evaluated all International Bodybuilding Structures from the point of view of Law. To prove the words told he addressed all to get the documentary approval at, forum, „IFBB illegal financial deals“ and if needed, to get the originals of these documents.
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:During the ten days lasting visit of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India two press conferences were organized. The President visited many famous bodybuildiung gyms, spoke with India bodybuilding leaders and sportsmen. The Indian sport society got acguainted with the International WFF-WBBF activities and with the WFF-WBBF plans in India and Asia.
All were interested in the clumsy situation about two IFBB federations and their fight in between. The President evaluated all International Bodybuilding Structures from the point of view of Law. To prove the words told he addressed all to get the documentary approval at, forum, „IFBB illegal financial deals“ and if needed, to get the originals of these documents.
During the ten days lasting visit of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India two press conferences were organized. The President visited many famous bodybuildiung gyms, spoke with India bodybuilding leaders and sportsmen. The Indian sport society got acguainted with the International WFF-WBBF activities and with the WFF-WBBF plans in India and Asia.
All were interested in the clumsy situation about two IFBB federations and their fight in between. The President evaluated all International Bodybuilding Structures from the point of view of Law. To prove the words told he addressed all to get the documentary approval at, forum, „IFBB illegal financial deals“ and if needed, to get the originals of these documents.
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:During the ten days lasting visit of the WFF-WBBF International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India two press conferences were organized. The President visited many famous bodybuildiung gyms, spoke with India bodybuilding leaders and sportsmen. The Indian sport society got acguainted with the International WFF-WBBF activities and with the WFF-WBBF plans in India and Asia.
All were interested in the clumsy situation about two IFBB federations and their fight in between. The President evaluated all International Bodybuilding Structures from the point of view of Law. To prove the words told he addressed all to get the documentary approval at, forum, „IFBB illegal financial deals“ and if needed, to get the originals of these documents.
WFF secretary service Wrote:FIRMI LENGI INDIA!!!!
India takes the lead of bodybuilding in Asia

In February 2010 the first India WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) National Championship was held in Nangal (Punjab). At the Event among the honorable quests was a famous India public and religious leader BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI, who arrived accompanied by multiple armed quards. Also officially announcing the membership of India in the International Federation the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS took part at the Event. Together with a few thousands spectators Government Rehabilitation Council member DR. K.R.ARYA was present at the WFF-WBBF India Nationals too. The Over All 2010 WFF-WBBF India Championship Winner was ATUL TEHRAN and the former Over All India Bodybuilding Champion DHARMENDER was guest posing at the event in Nangal.
While communicating with the Honorable Guests of the Event the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was invited to visit the residence of the BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI. Government Rehabilitation Council member DR. K.R.ARYA took EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to the residence by the special car of India State Government. BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI is one of the most India State guarded persons, so the visitors a few times had to pass a thorough armed military control. During the visit BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI spoke about phylosophical religious problems, accompanied by guards presented new built temple, his residence and surrounding territories, communicated with a number of piligrimes. Discussing about sport situation in India, BABA SATGURU PIYARA SINGH JI proposed to organize the 2011 WFF-WBBF World Championship at his residence.
The leaders of contemporary bodybuilding in India are: SANDEEP CHANDER (President WFF-WBBF India), PRINCE OPPAL, SACHIN RANA, MANPREET SINGH. During the International President‘s visit to India representing eleven countries new WFF-WBBF Asia Federation was founded to be registered in India. Just after a few months India plans to organize WFF-WBBF Asia Championship (open). That means that atletes form other Continents can take part at the event too. Very soon we will meet India sportsmen participating at the WFF-WBBF International events in Europe. More information is on , read forum.
In February President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS visited India. Uniting 11 national federations the WFF-WBBF Asia has been founded in India.
PRINCE UPPAL was ellected to the position of the President WFF-WBBF Asia.
Soon the Heads of the WFF-WBBF Asia will participate at the WFF-WBBF International events in Europe.
Now the federation is working hard on the first 2010 WFF-WBBF Asia Champiosnip that will be held in India. The Asia Championship is open, so the atletes from other Continents will participate as well.
More information on the way.
In February President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS visited India. Uniting 11 national federations the WFF-WBBF Asia has been founded in India.
PRINCE UPPAL was ellected to the position of the President WFF-WBBF Asia.
Soon the Heads of the WFF-WBBF Asia will participate at the WFF-WBBF International events in Europe.
Now the federation is working hard on the first 2010 WFF-WBBF Asia Champiosnip that will be held in India. The Asia Championship is open, so the atletes from other Continents will participate as well.
More information on the way.

There were not only official meetings and discussions with sportsmen during the visit to India. That was the time of interesting meetings of India people.
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:There were not only official meetings and discussions with sportsmen during the visit to India. That was the time of interesting meetings of India people.
Today we received a letter from Japan. We want to underline the positive work of the President WFF-WBBF Japan SAWAKO IWAMOTO.
The WFF-WBBF Japan Official EVGENY LATYPOV (2009 WFF Europe Champion) informs about the first WFF-WBBF Japan Championship that will be held in April.
At the same time having the WFF-WBBF International official obligations in April EVGENY LATYPOV will visit Afghanistan with the purpose of Afghanistan National Bodybuilding Federation to join the WFF-WBBF International.

Luis Beltr Gaig
Judges Chairman WFF & BBF- TU Japan,
Head of Business Section Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo
Sayed Abdul Razaq Luqman
First Secretary,
Embassy of Afghanistan, Tokyo
Evgeny Latypov
WFF & BBF- TU Japan: Executive
Head of Political Section Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today we received a letter from Japan. We want to underline the positive work of the President WFF-WBBF Japan SAWAKO IWAMOTO.
The WFF-WBBF Japan Official EVGENY LATYPOV (2009 WFF Europe Champion) informs about the first WFF-WBBF Japan Championship that will be held in April.
At the same time having the WFF-WBBF International official obligations in April EVGENY LATYPOV will visit Afghanistan with the purpose of Afghanistan National Bodybuilding Federation to join the WFF-WBBF International.

Luis Beltr Gaig
Judges Chairman WFF & BBF- TU Japan,
Head of Business Section Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo
Sayed Abdul Razaq Luqman
First Secretary,
Embassy of Afghanistan, Tokyo
Evgeny Latypov
WFF & BBF- TU Japan: Executive
Head of Political Section Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo
Today we received a call from Dr. K.R.ARAJA (India Government Rehabilitation Council Member DR. K.R.ARYA).
He was interested in the further development of the affairs betveen WFF-WBBF International and India National Bodybuilding Federation (President SANDEEP CHANDER). He spoke that during the next visit of the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India, the official meeting with him will be planned in the Government India.
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:There were not only official meetings and discussions with sportsmen during the visit to India. That was the time of interesting meetings of India people.
Kuwait Bodybuilding Federation posted the new WFF-WBBF official information on it’s web sites.
Asia chooses the new way of development of the sport of bodybuilding: 的链接| Facebook
WFF-International Official Information Only
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:There were not only official meetings and discussions with sportsmen during the visit to India. That was the time of interesting meetings of India people.
There were not only official meetings and discussions with sportsmen during the visit to India. That was the time of interesting meetings of India people.
Today we received a letter from Iran. Ali Reza Rasa writes:

Sir Edmundas Daubaras
The honorable chairman of World Federation (WBBF-WFF)

I Ali Reza Rasa a member of Federation WFF- WBBF, have a professional card of that honorable Federation, thank for your help in the organizing my participation in the World Competition.
Due to your professional experience, I would like to ask you for the favour of assisting me in choosing the competition for me in 2010.
I would be grateful if you recomend of best competition that I can participate in.
It's your kindness to give me the time and place that these competitions will take place.
I'm waiting for your response as soon as possible so that I could start training.
Yours Ali Reza Rasa
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from Iran. Ali Reza Rasa writes:

Sir Edmundas Daubaras
The honorable chairman of World Federation (WBBF-WFF)

I Ali Reza Rasa a member of Federation WFF- WBBF, have a professional card of that honorable Federation, thank for your help in the organizing my participation in the World Competition.
Due to your professional experience, I would like to ask you for the favour of assisting me in choosing the competition for me in 2010.
I would be grateful if you recomend of best competition that I can participate in.
It's your kindness to give me the time and place that these competitions will take place.
I'm waiting for your response as soon as possible so that I could start training.
Yours Ali Reza Rasa

Today the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received the invitation to visit India in September. India plans to organize WFF-WBBF Asia Championship Open soon and many important international questions are to be spoken over there and a number of official solutions are to be made.
Today we received a call from Dr. K.R.ARAJA (India Government Rehabilitation Council Member DR. K.R.ARYA). He was interested in the further development of the affairs betveen WFF-WBBF International and India National Bodybuilding Federation (President SANDEEP CHANDER). He spoke that in September during the next visit of the President WFF-WBBF International EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India, the official meeting with him and the President State India PRATIBHA DEVISINGH PATIL will be planned as well as a meeting in the Government India.
WFF-International Official Information Only
India prepares for the 2010 WFF-WBBF autumn season:

hello sir,
you are most welcomed to india, and i have already met mr prince ji and sandeep ji in my city pathankot and now we are also the part of the WFF-WBBF fedration and i hope that all together we will change the general course of bodybuilding of india, and i know that in near future of 5 years our fedration will be on the top internmationally, we will do our best for that,thanks.
dhruv wadhera( prince)
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:India prepares for the 2010 WFF-WBBF autumn season:

hello sir,
you are most welcomed to india, and i have already met mr prince ji and sandeep ji in my city pathankot and now we are also the part of the WFF-WBBF fedration and i hope that all together we will change the general course of bodybuilding of india, and i know that in near future of 5 years our fedration will be on the top internmationally, we will do our best for that,thanks.
dhruv wadhera( prince)
WFF secretary service Wrote:India prepares for the 2010 WFF-WBBF autumn season:

hello sir,
you are most welcomed to india, and i have already met mr prince ji and sandeep ji in my city pathankot and now we are also the part of the WFF-WBBF fedration and i hope that all together we will change the general course of bodybuilding of india, and i know that in near future of 5 years our fedration will be on the top internmationally, we will do our best for that,thanks.
dhruv wadhera( prince)
INDIA. No comments...
From 2010 the WFF-WBBF International already has it‘s official representatives in India (National President is Sandeep Chander from Nangal, Punjab).
Today we received a letter from India. Another organizers addressed the International Headquarters again with some great proposals for the 2011. This is the WFF-WBBF answer to them:

Dear India friends,
During this year we have many great changes in sport of fitness and bodybuilding. IFBB is split and becomes weeker every day. Other federations do not influence International Sport on official level and can not be counted seriously.
Today the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation and World Body Building Federation) is ruling the sport World Wide in fact.

In October 2010 we will make an extraordinary Amateur and Professional World and "Universe" in Slovakia (Brusno Kupele). I can ensure You that Bodybuilding World has never seen anything like this before. Media will be the greatest International one at the Event. A famous Hollywood Company (USA) will make the "Pumping Iron - 2" on this occassion. There will be many other great things to happen there in Slovakia too.
Next year we will start annual "Amber Prix OLYMPIA".

We did a try to work with You before, but You did not keep Your word.
Your unserious and unresponsible behavior gave to the WFF-WBBF bad reputation then.

The WFF-WBBF can go on working with You as with everybody who comes with good intentions, but we must have Your preliminary guarantees this time. You want the best World Class sportsmen to India and we are ready to organize this for You, but:
- All flight tickets according our list of names and countries are to be payed before November 1, 2010 (latest!!!)
- To be on the safe side we will bring best World Class sportsmen, but it is not You but the WFF-WBBF who decides how many athletes will be invited from each definite country
- We must be sure about the prize money of the contest (20 000 USD). Due to this You will put on a International certain bank account the money for this certain contest cash prizes (also before November 1, 2010). The bank will guarantee us that only 2 persons together (You and the WFF-WBBF official representative) can take the money back and only for the cash prizes of this certain contest, and no more reason.

Having these guerantees we can go on working with You.

Yours faithfully,

Edmundas Daubaras,
President WFF-WBBF International
President WBBF India SANDEEP CHANDER informs thsat every day more and more bodybuilders join the WBBF.
WFF-International Official Information Only

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