06-26-2009, 02:07 PM
wff_Edita.S Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:NO NEWS IN SPORT BATTLE
A year is changing a year but there are no news in the sport life: the WFF (World Fitness Federation) and the WBBF (World Body Building Federation) remain the only ones officially registered International No Profit Social Sport Organizations World Wide (we mean bodybuilding and fitness).
All other so called „international federations, associations, committees“ are either a private commercial companies or a free units of people with the only one legal things to have – the logo and the name.
That is the reason that for years all those those illegal International Organizations did no valuable social international work, they did not communicate with the official International Organizations (like WADA, GAISF, IOC), that is why they did not communicate with the official state institutes of many countries (like National Olympic Committees, Sport Ministries, Sport Departments). The exception is the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) which for years was presenting itself as an International No Profit Sport Federation, but in reality always was a commercial company of three private owners. The commercial IFBB company was registered in Canada first and now registered in Spain again.
Often local representatives of the illegal International Organizations present their organizations as legal ones in their countries and due to this falsification receive support and financing on the national level.
Just imagine how the State Budget of any country can finance the deals of a UK sport club or a French supplement trading shop which present themselves as international federations? Unbelievable, but basing on the given false information it is so!
That is why the National Olympic Committees, Sport Ministries and Sport Departments of various countries should ask of the local representatives (National Presidents) the necessary juridic registration documents of the International Organization they represent in their country. Then the long lasting lies will be ended in a moment.
The juridic questions of the international registration underlined by the official International WFF-WBBF Federation cause great negative reaction of numerous false International Organizations. But is it correct to support an International Organization which is not officially registered and does not exist in real life?
Just make the official juridic registration of your International Organization and all problematic questions will end. But do it!
No doubt that the official organization means official juridic registration. Many sportsmen participating at various contests never think if a sport organization is legal or not. It is not a great famous name or unbelievable big bicepses that matter the recognition of a federation. According the law the official organization must be registered and it must have the registration certificate. Even this is not enough to be official.
Every organization, a commercial firm or any other juridic subject acts according it‘s statute (constitution). The constitution also must be registered.
And what we see now? All so called „international federations“ are not registered, their constitutions are not registered too (if they have it...). This means these sport organizations are not legal. Logo and name being registered is not enough to be official.
Sometimes just to calm the opponents the illegal federations present their Constitution in public (publish in magazines or in internet), but these constitutions being not registered are nothing more but a sheet of no value paper. The private IFBB commercial company works according the company‘s constitution, but for naive sportsmen it publishes just another one that is not registered by law. This means that for years IFBB works illegally too.
Underlying the fact that the WFF-WBBF International is the only one official International No Profit Social Sport Federation again makes angry various illegal international sport units. But this is the fact!
Can a World Championship be a serious one if it is organized by a sport club of UK or a supplement trading shop? Do the World Champions of such a contest have a juridic and moral right to be called „World Champions“?
Among the most known international sport organizations are:
WFF (World Fitness Federation)
Registered in Lithuania International WFF-WBBF Federation unites members from 91 countries that represent all Continents. The number of country-members may grow rapidly if after the recent split 38 former IFBB members will join the WFF-WBBF federation. Anyway the question is under discussion now.
The WFF-WBBF activities are quite noticeable during the last years:
- in 2004 first time in sports history the World Professional Championship was presented live in internet. Lithuania „Telekomas“ sponsored over 40 000 US dollars for that
- 2005 World Amateur Championship in Vilnius collected 742 competitors from 32 countries and still it is the greatest record ever
- starting 2006 Prague (Czech) organizes annual Pro World Championship in Zofin Barocco Palace
- in 2007 the first World „Fit-Kid“, Model Fitness, Aerobic Fitness and Disabled Sportsmen Championship was held in Vilnius (Lithuania)
- in 2008 the World‘s oldest still running „Amber Prix International“ Contest celebrated 40 years anniversary in Klaipėda (Lithuania). That was the Event supported by the State and the WFF received direct financing from the State Budget Republic Lithuania. The President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL sent to Lithuania the authentic California Governor‘s ARNOLD SCHWARCVENEGGER photo exhibition that was demonstrated for public in Klaipėda. The Event was extraordinary as at the same time the Sport World celebrated 110 year‘s anniversary of bodybuilding. Lithuania State television made a report from the „Amber Prix International“ that was given free to all European Union State televisions which made their own reports on this great Event. National television of Russia made a report from Lithuania comparing the WFF-WBBF Event with famous „Olympia“ contest and told the story about the ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER photo exhibition held in Lithuania.
- For 2009 Europe Championship the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL sent the documentary California Governor‘s ARNOLD SCHWARCENEGGER movie that was demonstrated for public in Klaipėda
- Working with the European Union financing programs the WFF-WBBF took part in the fitness Project „Active Youth“.
Popularizing sport and fitness, presenting the International WFF-WBBF Federation a number of important meetings with VIP organizations and Persons was organized. Among them: President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL, President Parliament Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS, President Republic Slovakia IVAN GASPAROVIC, Prime Minister Slovakia ROBERT FICO, Prime Minister Latvia AIGARS KALVITIS, Prime Minister Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS, Heads of the National Olympic Committees Estonia, Latvia and Belarus, Minister Sport Poland ZBIGNIEW PACELT and a number of other high State and municipal officials from various countries.
IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders)
For years the International Sport Society was doubting about the juridic status of the IFBB. In 2009 there was a conflict among the IFBB leaders and the IFBB organization was split. IFBB Vice President PAUL CHUA from Singapore and the IFBB financial and law officer, President IFBB Austria AXEL BAUER accused the IFBB President RAFAEL SANTONJA with illegal financial deals. Proving this both officials presented to public financial and juridic IFBB documents. People learned, that IFBB has never been a non profit International Sport Federation, but it was always a private commercial firm belonging as a property for three owners. First registered in Canada as a Canadian commercial corporation, later the IFBB was registered again in Spain as a Spanish commercial corporation. Presenting for public not registered unreal sport Constitution, the IFBB owners acted basing on the Constitution of private Canadian corporation in fact (now it is the Constitution of private Spanish Corporation).
Presenting the IFBB as a Social International Sport Federation the IFBB owners collected sport money and did their private business in fact (many documents and more information is on www.wff.lt, look „Forum“)
NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association)
For many years NABBA went a long road. Today we are facing at least two international NABBA structures, which call themselves „International Association“. But in reality one of them is a UK public club (NABBA UK) and another is a private corporation of an Australia citizen. Both organizations organize World and „Universe“ contests and sometimes Europe Championships too. It is absurd when officially registered national bodybuilding federations use to become members of international NABBA and finally become members a UK public club in fact... Most of them even do not know it!
WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association)
WABBA does not differ from other unregistered so called „international federations“. It does not cover the law requirements to be a legal and official International Organization. Having only logo and name registered WABBA today belongs as a property of a supplement selling private person.
From the oldest times we can remember there was always the fight between dark and light, bad and good things, progress and regress. The past always is confronting and fighting against the knocking at the door future.
A famous Russian film producer and actor Bogrov-Junior used to say that „it is not money to give us the strength, but it the truth“. The WFF-WBBF International does it‘s best to follow the way of truth. It gives the federation extra power and energy to go ahead. After getting to know the ideas of the WFF-WBBF International, many recognized International Organizations, State Institutions of various countries support this International Federation. This underlines once again the importance of the work the WFF-WBBF is doing for the World‘s Sport Movement.
Organizing first competitions bodybuilding sport started it‘s life 111 years ago in England and Russia. In 1898 the World‘s oldest still issued British bodybuilding magazine „Health & Strength“ started covering ideas, events and personalities of this sport.
People often use to ask: why having such a long history bodybuilding is still not an Olympic sport? Why today the general public opinion about bodybuilding is so negative?
This has a number of basic reasons. For many years the sport of bodybuilding was ruled by three structures, that called themselves „international federations“: IFBB, NABBA and WABBA. That was the mistaken ideas and mistaken priorities chosen by these structures that led the bodybuilding to it‘s contemporary extremely critical position. They led bodybuilding to the juridic, financial and moral chaos we are facing today.
Today international sport society is not interested very much in bodybuilding and this sport became like a narrow religious sect which is interesting only for the narrow circle of people who are busy inside this circle. Ordinary people are indifferent to contemporary bodybuilding as bodybuilding is fare away from the normal people‘s society.
First mental crisis bodybuilding faced at the end of 20 - th century. Then many famous professional bodybuilders protesting with wrong politics of the IFBB owners left this sport. The situation was saved by numerous post - socialist countries that entered many International Organizations including bodybuilding. The new countries were seeking to join the World of democracy, innovations, information and better life. That gave the starving bodybuilding new power, new money and big profit for commercial companies that cheated people and called themselves „international federations“.
This was a temporary positive effect and bodybuilding went on the chosen wrong strategic way.
At bodybuilding contests today we see athletes with synthol and sylicon implants, transvestites use to participate at women contests.
At the very beginning proclaiming the ideas of sane and healthy human nature, today bodybuilding is represented by 100 - 170 kilogram weighing monsters that threaten normal people and give bad reputation for sport in general. Such „top champions“ are hardly moving, after making 20 steps they must have some pause to get back their normal breath, they can not put on their shoes without assistance of other people...
Yes, it is interesting to learn the limits of the human nature, but is it the right cost for it? Where is the balance between muscles and brains? Are we ready to pay such a prize?