WFF secretary service Wrote:Сегодня штаб-квартира международной ВФФ получила письмо от национальной федерации бодибилдинга Республики Южной Африки.
Федерация ЮАР в ближайшее будущее собирается вступить в международную ВФФ:
Dear Edmundas
I am the President of ... South Africa. We are hosting about fifteen shows all over South Africa per year including our provincial and national championships where a national team is selected and send to the Universe Physique Championships to give our athletes international exposure.
Could you please give me more information on your federation the WFF regarding the following?
1. Could a National federation like South Africa join the WFF?
2. Affiliation fees of a National federation?
3. The categories or divisions, both men and women, of the WFF?
4. How many countries are affiliated to the WFF, and do they all send a national team to your world championships?
5. How many athletes entered at world championships?
I am looking forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.
Kind regards
Ответ президента федерации:
This is the answer of the WFF-International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS:
Dear Sir,
I am very glad to have a letter from a country as South Africa. I know that people like our sport in Your country.
Acc. Your questions:
1.Yes, You can join WFF-International very easy: just come to WFF World Championships.
(the nearest official International events:
- WFF Amateur World Championships, supported by the Government Russia, November 10-12, Tver-Moscow, Russia, 96 Categories and age groups;
- WFF Pro World Championships, supported by the Government Lithuania, November 24-26, Vilnius, Lithuania, 4 Pro Categories, 2 for Women and 2 for Men)
2.WFF-International is the only one in the World Social Non Profit International Sport Organization.
All other Federations, Associations etc. are private properties (firms) of private persons or even they have no official registration and are just groups of friends who make contests.
There is no affiliation fee in WFF.
3.Categories, age groups etc. I will send You soon with separate e.mail
4.There are 72 countries-members of WFF-International now. Last WFF Amateur World Championships (2005, Vilnius, Lithuania) was supported by the Government Lithuania. It collected 742 athletes from 32 countries (
In case You will give us Your post address, we will send You a few WFF magazines in English.
Yours faithfully,
Edmundas Daubaras