02-13-2025, 10:11 AM
Since 1971 until 1998 the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) federation was the sole International Bodybuilding Federation to represent official recognized sport. Then bodybuilding still was a sport. Since 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was negotiating with his friend I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER. Among other questions both negotiated about the membership of the Lithuania National Bodybuilding Federation in the I.F.B.B.. The membership should be not as a part оf the “U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation” («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») but as an Independent member. That meant that the I.F.B.B. should recognize the Independent Republic Lithuania. In February 1991 there was referendum to separate with the U.S.S.R. held in Lithuania. 85 percent of citizen said “yes”.
During the process DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS through his fiend German (F.R.G, Federal Republic of Germany) GERHARD HUNGE paid the I.F.B.B. membership fee for Lithuania federation. Other way transaction was not possible as all international transactions were controlled by the bank of the U.S.S.R.. After this DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS sent official request to join the I.F.B.B. federation. In addition to this in order to prove the Country Independence DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS translated the Constitution of the Republic Lithuania from Lithuanian to English language and sent it to Canada for BEN WEIDER.
This way since 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had meetings with BEN WEIDER in Moscow and Leningrad (U.S.S.R.), Paris (France), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and New York (USA). Finally after the 1990 “Miss Olympia” BEN WEIDER refused to recognize the Independent Republic Lithuania. He was on Moscow side. Lithuanians were not allowed to join the I.F.B.B.. BEN WEIDER was a businessman and he wanted to make business with the U.S.S.R.. Vice President of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation and President of the Bodybuilding Federation of Lithuanian SSR ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS did not support ideas and intentions of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Even more - after proclaiming the Independent Republic Lithuania ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS joined the new Lithuania Communist Party of Mykolas Burokevichus. As it was during the fierce prohibition of bodybuilding in 1978, now DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was left alone again. Nobody of bodybuilders dared to support him and to stand against the U.S.S.R..
At the same time many of Lithuania bodybuilders supported the National Olympic Committee of the Independent Republic Lithuania and refused to participate in the official U.S.S.R. contests and to join the National teams of the U.S.S.R.. Having no International competitions many famous bodybuilders left sport. For example best U.S.S.R. bodybuilder Lithuanian VIKTORAS JUCYS.
At that time a number of best Lithuania bodybuilders were pupils of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. They were - NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENE, EDMUNDAS REPSYS, VADIM SRYVKIN (Вадим Срывкин), RIMANTAS MAZIONIS.
Athletes needed contests and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS found the way. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote letters to the N.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) Chairman OSCAR HEIDENSTAM and W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) Owner and President SERGE NUBRET. Both invited Lithuania bodybuilders to their contests: 1991 N.A.B.B.A. Europe Championship in Epinal (France) and 1991 W.A.B.B.A. World Championship in Japan.
More information and full article in on International Site www.wff.lt
Since 1971 until 1998 the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) federation was the sole International Bodybuilding Federation to represent official recognized sport. Then bodybuilding still was a sport. Since 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was negotiating with his friend I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER. Among other questions both negotiated about the membership of the Lithuania National Bodybuilding Federation in the I.F.B.B.. The membership should be not as a part оf the “U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation” («Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») but as an Independent member. That meant that the I.F.B.B. should recognize the Independent Republic Lithuania. In February 1991 there was referendum to separate with the U.S.S.R. held in Lithuania. 85 percent of citizen said “yes”.
During the process DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS through his fiend German (F.R.G, Federal Republic of Germany) GERHARD HUNGE paid the I.F.B.B. membership fee for Lithuania federation. Other way transaction was not possible as all international transactions were controlled by the bank of the U.S.S.R.. After this DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS sent official request to join the I.F.B.B. federation. In addition to this in order to prove the Country Independence DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS translated the Constitution of the Republic Lithuania from Lithuanian to English language and sent it to Canada for BEN WEIDER.
This way since 1989 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had meetings with BEN WEIDER in Moscow and Leningrad (U.S.S.R.), Paris (France), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and New York (USA). Finally after the 1990 “Miss Olympia” BEN WEIDER refused to recognize the Independent Republic Lithuania. He was on Moscow side. Lithuanians were not allowed to join the I.F.B.B.. BEN WEIDER was a businessman and he wanted to make business with the U.S.S.R.. Vice President of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation and President of the Bodybuilding Federation of Lithuanian SSR ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS did not support ideas and intentions of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Even more - after proclaiming the Independent Republic Lithuania ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS joined the new Lithuania Communist Party of Mykolas Burokevichus. As it was during the fierce prohibition of bodybuilding in 1978, now DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was left alone again. Nobody of bodybuilders dared to support him and to stand against the U.S.S.R..
At the same time many of Lithuania bodybuilders supported the National Olympic Committee of the Independent Republic Lithuania and refused to participate in the official U.S.S.R. contests and to join the National teams of the U.S.S.R.. Having no International competitions many famous bodybuilders left sport. For example best U.S.S.R. bodybuilder Lithuanian VIKTORAS JUCYS.
At that time a number of best Lithuania bodybuilders were pupils of DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. They were - NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENE, EDMUNDAS REPSYS, VADIM SRYVKIN (Вадим Срывкин), RIMANTAS MAZIONIS.
Athletes needed contests and DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS found the way. DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS wrote letters to the N.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) Chairman OSCAR HEIDENSTAM and W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) Owner and President SERGE NUBRET. Both invited Lithuania bodybuilders to their contests: 1991 N.A.B.B.A. Europe Championship in Epinal (France) and 1991 W.A.B.B.A. World Championship in Japan.
More information and full article in on International Site www.wff.lt