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Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Penelope Wrote:
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Čia nieko nuostabaus. Nors visos tarptautinės federacijos (kurios tokiomis save vadina) stipriai slepia savo juridinę esmę, tačiau vis tiek tai išlenda į paviršių. Štai ir IFBB pasirodė savo tikrą komercinį veidą po tiek metų... paaiškėjo, kad tokios tarptautinės sporto federacijos nėra ir nebuvo...Tik komercinė dviejų savininkų firma...
O dėl Hofmano tai paprasta, kaip du-kart-du: tik Vokietijos NABBA yra registruota struktūra. Tai nacionalinė organizacija, kaip Lietuvos NABBA (kuri Lietuvoje yra registruota 1991 metų pavasario ir kuriai iki šiol vadovauja prezidentas Edmundas Daubaras). Visa kita, ką Hofmanas daro - muilo burbulas bet kuria prasme, but kuriuo mastu. Jau nekalbant apie svarbius juridinius veiksmus, gana vien to, kad jo aplinkoje nėra JOKIOS buhalterijos ir viskas laikosi "ant garbės žodžio"... Argi tai rimta???
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Penelope Wrote:
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Čia nieko nuostabaus. Nors visos tarptautinės federacijos (kurios tokiomis save vadina) stipriai slepia savo juridinę esmę, tačiau vis tiek tai išlenda į paviršių. Štai ir IFBB pasirodė savo tikrą komercinį veidą po tiek metų... paaiškėjo, kad tokios tarptautinės sporto federacijos nėra ir nebuvo...Tik komercinė dviejų savininkų firma...
O dėl Hofmano tai paprasta, kaip du-kart-du: tik Vokietijos NABBA yra registruota struktūra. Tai nacionalinė organizacija, kaip Lietuvos NABBA (kuri Lietuvoje yra registruota 1991 metų pavasario ir kuriai iki šiol vadovauja prezidentas Edmundas Daubaras). Visa kita, ką Hofmanas daro - muilo burbulas bet kuria prasme, but kuriuo mastu. Jau nekalbant apie svarbius juridinius veiksmus, gana vien to, kad jo aplinkoje nėra JOKIOS buhalterijos ir viskas laikosi "ant garbės žodžio"... Argi tai rimta???

iseina, kad wff viena tik oficialiai dirba?
Danas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Penelope Wrote:
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Čia nieko nuostabaus. Nors visos tarptautinės federacijos (kurios tokiomis save vadina) stipriai slepia savo juridinę esmę, tačiau vis tiek tai išlenda į paviršių. Štai ir IFBB pasirodė savo tikrą komercinį veidą po tiek metų... paaiškėjo, kad tokios tarptautinės sporto federacijos nėra ir nebuvo...Tik komercinė dviejų savininkų firma...
O dėl Hofmano tai paprasta, kaip du-kart-du: tik Vokietijos NABBA yra registruota struktūra. Tai nacionalinė organizacija, kaip Lietuvos NABBA (kuri Lietuvoje yra registruota 1991 metų pavasario ir kuriai iki šiol vadovauja prezidentas Edmundas Daubaras). Visa kita, ką Hofmanas daro - muilo burbulas bet kuria prasme, but kuriuo mastu. Jau nekalbant apie svarbius juridinius veiksmus, gana vien to, kad jo aplinkoje nėra JOKIOS buhalterijos ir viskas laikosi "ant garbės žodžio"... Argi tai rimta???

iseina, kad wff viena tik oficialiai dirba?

Mes nekalbame apie darbo oficialumą. Tarptautinė IFBB federacija irgi dirba oficialiai, laikosi įstatymų, bet tik kaip komercinė firma (kaip maisto papildų parduotuvė), o ne kaip sporto organizacija, tuo labiau tarptautinė sporto organizacija.
Juk viskas labai paprasta: susėskime prie stalo ir peteikime dokumentus, kurie patvirtins arba paneigs mūsų informaciją. Šiuo metu mes tvirtiname, kad WFF yra VIENINTELĖ oficialiai registruota TARPTAUTINĖ VISUOMENINĖ SPORTO ORGANIZACIJA pasaulyje (kalbame apie fitnesą ir kultūrizmą).
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Danas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Penelope Wrote:
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Čia nieko nuostabaus. Nors visos tarptautinės federacijos (kurios tokiomis save vadina) stipriai slepia savo juridinę esmę, tačiau vis tiek tai išlenda į paviršių. Štai ir IFBB pasirodė savo tikrą komercinį veidą po tiek metų... paaiškėjo, kad tokios tarptautinės sporto federacijos nėra ir nebuvo...Tik komercinė dviejų savininkų firma...
O dėl Hofmano tai paprasta, kaip du-kart-du: tik Vokietijos NABBA yra registruota struktūra. Tai nacionalinė organizacija, kaip Lietuvos NABBA (kuri Lietuvoje yra registruota 1991 metų pavasario ir kuriai iki šiol vadovauja prezidentas Edmundas Daubaras). Visa kita, ką Hofmanas daro - muilo burbulas bet kuria prasme, but kuriuo mastu. Jau nekalbant apie svarbius juridinius veiksmus, gana vien to, kad jo aplinkoje nėra JOKIOS buhalterijos ir viskas laikosi "ant garbės žodžio"... Argi tai rimta???

iseina, kad wff viena tik oficialiai dirba?

Mes nekalbame apie darbo oficialumą. Tarptautinė IFBB federacija irgi dirba oficialiai, laikosi įstatymų, bet tik kaip komercinė firma (kaip maisto papildų parduotuvė), o ne kaip sporto organizacija, tuo labiau tarptautinė sporto organizacija.
Juk viskas labai paprasta: susėskime prie stalo ir peteikime dokumentus, kurie patvirtins arba paneigs mūsų informaciją. Šiuo metu mes tvirtiname, kad WFF yra VIENINTELĖ oficialiai registruota TARPTAUTINĖ VISUOMENINĖ SPORTO ORGANIZACIJA pasaulyje (kalbame apie fitnesą ir kultūrizmą).

O kaip koitos federacijos?
Danas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Danas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
Penelope Wrote:
saule Wrote:
Daubaras Edmundas Wrote:Šiandien gavome Turkijos WFF prezidento MAIKLO MIČELO laišką, kur jis stebisi vokiečio KLAUSO HOFMANO Naujametiniais sveikinimais.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu sužinoti WFF poziciją šio Klauso Hofmano atžvilgiu:

Dear Mike,
Maybe it is not very polite and correct to put anything of our correspondence here in forum, but I think it would be valuable for many other sport persons to know the position of us to Klaus Hoffmann.
I received a letter from You where you are surprised with the New Year Greetings You have received from Klaus Hoffmann.
Klaus Hoffmann.. I think all of us are somehow responsible for our doings and jobs. When we were ONE TEAM for many years - Klaus behaved very bad with us. He never appeared at our contests. He did not let Athletes from Germany and other countries to come to our contests too. He pressed them not to come (like IFBB does it always!!). He used to change Final Results of our contests and this caused a lot of problems with Governmental State Institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..
I think he still behaves not the best way. Only WFF became a REAL INTERNATIONAL POWER now and everybody see it. Klaus too. WFF has active and semi-active members in 83 countries today. This number is constantly growing. Look what happens in USA now: well known bodybuilding names are joining WFF-International.
I do not think Klaus can do anything positive for us now. WFF is in contact with new people in Germany: Attila, Dirk (they were working with Klaus before, but Klaus threw them away). Peter Papula in Austria is also with us. And Klaus has behaved bad with him too. WFF is ahead of Klaus in EVERY POSITION now: WFF has many countries, new persons, new leaders who he even does not know at all. WFF has annual International Congress, International Trainer's seminar, WFF Pro Division and a lot of things Klaus even does not imagine...
I am not angry with Klaus Hoffmann at all but at the same time I see nothing positive he can do for WFF. WFF goes ahead speedy and Klaus still is at least 10 years behind of us.
Your friend,

Hofmanui truputi skaudziai cia turetu buti tai skaitant. Bet, kaip sakoma, traukinys sikanciu nelaukia. Jis pats kaltas del visko.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Čia nieko nuostabaus. Nors visos tarptautinės federacijos (kurios tokiomis save vadina) stipriai slepia savo juridinę esmę, tačiau vis tiek tai išlenda į paviršių. Štai ir IFBB pasirodė savo tikrą komercinį veidą po tiek metų... paaiškėjo, kad tokios tarptautinės sporto federacijos nėra ir nebuvo...Tik komercinė dviejų savininkų firma...
O dėl Hofmano tai paprasta, kaip du-kart-du: tik Vokietijos NABBA yra registruota struktūra. Tai nacionalinė organizacija, kaip Lietuvos NABBA (kuri Lietuvoje yra registruota 1991 metų pavasario ir kuriai iki šiol vadovauja prezidentas Edmundas Daubaras). Visa kita, ką Hofmanas daro - muilo burbulas bet kuria prasme, but kuriuo mastu. Jau nekalbant apie svarbius juridinius veiksmus, gana vien to, kad jo aplinkoje nėra JOKIOS buhalterijos ir viskas laikosi "ant garbės žodžio"... Argi tai rimta???

iseina, kad wff viena tik oficialiai dirba?

Mes nekalbame apie darbo oficialumą. Tarptautinė IFBB federacija irgi dirba oficialiai, laikosi įstatymų, bet tik kaip komercinė firma (kaip maisto papildų parduotuvė), o ne kaip sporto organizacija, tuo labiau tarptautinė sporto organizacija.
Juk viskas labai paprasta: susėskime prie stalo ir peteikime dokumentus, kurie patvirtins arba paneigs mūsų informaciją. Šiuo metu mes tvirtiname, kad WFF yra VIENINTELĖ oficialiai registruota TARPTAUTINĖ VISUOMENINĖ SPORTO ORGANIZACIJA pasaulyje (kalbame apie fitnesą ir kultūrizmą).

O kaip koitos federacijos?

Su kitom tarptautinėm sporto organizacijom būtų juokinga, jei jos nevaidintų rimtų tarptautinių sporto struktūrų.
WABBA - privati vieno žmogaus komercinė firma (tarp kitko, tai prekybinė maisto papildų firma), kurios sportiškumas pasižymi tik tuo, kad WABBA logotipas yra registruotas ir komercinės firmos savininkas (kaip teigia WABBA įkūrėjas SERGE NUBRET) parduoda savo logotipą kitų šalių atstovams.
Iš kitų stambesnių organizacijų: tarptautinė NABBA niekur niekaip neregistruota ir realiai neegzistuoja, kaip ir IBFA bei dar apie dvidešimt panašių "federacijų".
Užtai visos JAV sporto organizacijos yra registruotos kaip privačios komercinės firmos (jų JAV begalė!).
petrasp Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Kipro.
Kipro IFBB federacija, nusivylusi IFBB veikla, keičia vėliavą ir stoja į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras ,
I was talking this days with a very good athlete from Cyprus that is been competing with IFBB so far like we use to before joining WFF. His name is Avramis and he owns the gym where we train , and he suggested that we should bring WFF over here .
It looks like more athletes from Cyprus complain of IFBB organizations and we were wondering if there is a way we can bring WFF to Cyprus ? If there is , can you tell us what are the criteria’s and what is that we have to do for having WFF in Cyprus ?
Thank You for your time …
Regards ,
Mona & Marios

Tarptautinė WFF federacija, palaikydama Kipro sportininkus, išsakė savo poziciją šiuo klausimu:
Tarptautinė IFBB - tai privati dviejų žmonių komercinė firma, o Tarptautinė WFF federacija - tai visuomeninė Tarptautinė Sporto Organizacija.
Kiprui reikia steigti Nacionalinę WFF federaciją, rinkti federacijos prezidentą ir įstoti į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mona,
IFBB-International is a private firm. It has 2 owners: JIM MANION and ERIC WEIDER. Maybe RAFAEL SANTONJA is the third Owner of IFBB-International now.
WFF-International is a public non profit International Sport Federation.
WFF has no fee, WFF makes no business. Just Sport and only Sport.
In case Cyprus want to have a National Cyprus WFF federation, just make a meeting, elect the Prersident of the National Cyprus Federation and start to work: make National WFF Cyprus Championships, collect National Cyprus Teams to WFF-International Events etc.
Just be brave and go ahead!
I will help You as much as I can.

kaip matau, pamazu visi pradeda susivokti federacijose...

Apie tai, kad sportininkai ir sporto vadovai įvairiose šalyse pradeda susimąstyti ir daryti savo išvadas apie tą oficialumą, įstatymų laikymąsi, apie ką teigia WFF, šiandien iš Kipro gautame laiške rašoma tiesiai ir atvirai:

Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
I have spoke to the guy that is interest at bringing WFF to Cyprus and let him now what is necessary for us to do in order to make it happen … He seems very interested and he believe we can do it.
We want to bring him at one of your coming contests as an athlete so he can see for him self haw things are done in WFF. I have show some people as well your Magazine and the DVD from World Pro Championships .
You see I have thing my self long ago of bringing WFF over here but it takes time to make people start paying attention to what is right and what not.
All keep you in touch as soon I have more news ….
Mona & Marios
WFF Cyprus
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
petrasp Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Kipro.
Kipro IFBB federacija, nusivylusi IFBB veikla, keičia vėliavą ir stoja į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras ,
I was talking this days with a very good athlete from Cyprus that is been competing with IFBB so far like we use to before joining WFF. His name is Avramis and he owns the gym where we train , and he suggested that we should bring WFF over here .
It looks like more athletes from Cyprus complain of IFBB organizations and we were wondering if there is a way we can bring WFF to Cyprus ? If there is , can you tell us what are the criteria’s and what is that we have to do for having WFF in Cyprus ?
Thank You for your time …
Regards ,
Mona & Marios

Tarptautinė WFF federacija, palaikydama Kipro sportininkus, išsakė savo poziciją šiuo klausimu:
Tarptautinė IFBB - tai privati dviejų žmonių komercinė firma, o Tarptautinė WFF federacija - tai visuomeninė Tarptautinė Sporto Organizacija.
Kiprui reikia steigti Nacionalinę WFF federaciją, rinkti federacijos prezidentą ir įstoti į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mona,
IFBB-International is a private firm. It has 2 owners: JIM MANION and ERIC WEIDER. Maybe RAFAEL SANTONJA is the third Owner of IFBB-International now.
WFF-International is a public non profit International Sport Federation.
WFF has no fee, WFF makes no business. Just Sport and only Sport.
In case Cyprus want to have a National Cyprus WFF federation, just make a meeting, elect the Prersident of the National Cyprus Federation and start to work: make National WFF Cyprus Championships, collect National Cyprus Teams to WFF-International Events etc.
Just be brave and go ahead!
I will help You as much as I can.

kaip matau, pamazu visi pradeda susivokti federacijose...

Apie tai, kad sportininkai ir sporto vadovai įvairiose šalyse pradeda susimąstyti ir daryti savo išvadas apie tą oficialumą, įstatymų laikymąsi, apie ką teigia WFF, šiandien iš Kipro gautame laiške rašoma tiesiai ir atvirai:

Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
I have spoke to the guy that is interest at bringing WFF to Cyprus and let him now what is necessary for us to do in order to make it happen … He seems very interested and he believe we can do it.
We want to bring him at one of your coming contests as an athlete so he can see for him self haw things are done in WFF. I have show some people as well your Magazine and the DVD from World Pro Championships .
You see I have thing my self long ago of bringing WFF over here but it takes time to make people start paying attention to what is right and what not.
All keep you in touch as soon I have more news ….
Mona & Marios
WFF Cyprus

teisingai galvoja. malaciai.
Romualdas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
petrasp Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Kipro.
Kipro IFBB federacija, nusivylusi IFBB veikla, keičia vėliavą ir stoja į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras ,
I was talking this days with a very good athlete from Cyprus that is been competing with IFBB so far like we use to before joining WFF. His name is Avramis and he owns the gym where we train , and he suggested that we should bring WFF over here .
It looks like more athletes from Cyprus complain of IFBB organizations and we were wondering if there is a way we can bring WFF to Cyprus ? If there is , can you tell us what are the criteria’s and what is that we have to do for having WFF in Cyprus ?
Thank You for your time …
Regards ,
Mona & Marios

Tarptautinė WFF federacija, palaikydama Kipro sportininkus, išsakė savo poziciją šiuo klausimu:
Tarptautinė IFBB - tai privati dviejų žmonių komercinė firma, o Tarptautinė WFF federacija - tai visuomeninė Tarptautinė Sporto Organizacija.
Kiprui reikia steigti Nacionalinę WFF federaciją, rinkti federacijos prezidentą ir įstoti į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mona,
IFBB-International is a private firm. It has 2 owners: JIM MANION and ERIC WEIDER. Maybe RAFAEL SANTONJA is the third Owner of IFBB-International now.
WFF-International is a public non profit International Sport Federation.
WFF has no fee, WFF makes no business. Just Sport and only Sport.
In case Cyprus want to have a National Cyprus WFF federation, just make a meeting, elect the Prersident of the National Cyprus Federation and start to work: make National WFF Cyprus Championships, collect National Cyprus Teams to WFF-International Events etc.
Just be brave and go ahead!
I will help You as much as I can.

kaip matau, pamazu visi pradeda susivokti federacijose...

Apie tai, kad sportininkai ir sporto vadovai įvairiose šalyse pradeda susimąstyti ir daryti savo išvadas apie tą oficialumą, įstatymų laikymąsi, apie ką teigia WFF, šiandien iš Kipro gautame laiške rašoma tiesiai ir atvirai:

Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
I have spoke to the guy that is interest at bringing WFF to Cyprus and let him now what is necessary for us to do in order to make it happen … He seems very interested and he believe we can do it.
We want to bring him at one of your coming contests as an athlete so he can see for him self haw things are done in WFF. I have show some people as well your Magazine and the DVD from World Pro Championships .
You see I have thing my self long ago of bringing WFF over here but it takes time to make people start paying attention to what is right and what not.
All keep you in touch as soon I have more news ….
Mona & Marios
WFF Cyprus

teisingai galvoja. malaciai.

Taip, bet įsivaizduokite, kiek reikia energijos ir laiko, kad žmonės susimąstytų ir pradėtų daryti savo išvadas. Juk aplinkui tiek melo...
Darius Wrote:
Romualdas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
petrasp Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Kipro.
Kipro IFBB federacija, nusivylusi IFBB veikla, keičia vėliavą ir stoja į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras ,
I was talking this days with a very good athlete from Cyprus that is been competing with IFBB so far like we use to before joining WFF. His name is Avramis and he owns the gym where we train , and he suggested that we should bring WFF over here .
It looks like more athletes from Cyprus complain of IFBB organizations and we were wondering if there is a way we can bring WFF to Cyprus ? If there is , can you tell us what are the criteria’s and what is that we have to do for having WFF in Cyprus ?
Thank You for your time …
Regards ,
Mona & Marios

Tarptautinė WFF federacija, palaikydama Kipro sportininkus, išsakė savo poziciją šiuo klausimu:
Tarptautinė IFBB - tai privati dviejų žmonių komercinė firma, o Tarptautinė WFF federacija - tai visuomeninė Tarptautinė Sporto Organizacija.
Kiprui reikia steigti Nacionalinę WFF federaciją, rinkti federacijos prezidentą ir įstoti į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mona,
IFBB-International is a private firm. It has 2 owners: JIM MANION and ERIC WEIDER. Maybe RAFAEL SANTONJA is the third Owner of IFBB-International now.
WFF-International is a public non profit International Sport Federation.
WFF has no fee, WFF makes no business. Just Sport and only Sport.
In case Cyprus want to have a National Cyprus WFF federation, just make a meeting, elect the Prersident of the National Cyprus Federation and start to work: make National WFF Cyprus Championships, collect National Cyprus Teams to WFF-International Events etc.
Just be brave and go ahead!
I will help You as much as I can.

kaip matau, pamazu visi pradeda susivokti federacijose...

Apie tai, kad sportininkai ir sporto vadovai įvairiose šalyse pradeda susimąstyti ir daryti savo išvadas apie tą oficialumą, įstatymų laikymąsi, apie ką teigia WFF, šiandien iš Kipro gautame laiške rašoma tiesiai ir atvirai:

Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
I have spoke to the guy that is interest at bringing WFF to Cyprus and let him now what is necessary for us to do in order to make it happen … He seems very interested and he believe we can do it.
We want to bring him at one of your coming contests as an athlete so he can see for him self haw things are done in WFF. I have show some people as well your Magazine and the DVD from World Pro Championships .
You see I have thing my self long ago of bringing WFF over here but it takes time to make people start paying attention to what is right and what not.
All keep you in touch as soon I have more news ….
Mona & Marios
WFF Cyprus

teisingai galvoja. malaciai.

Taip, bet įsivaizduokite, kiek reikia energijos ir laiko, kad žmonės susimąstytų ir pradėtų daryti savo išvadas. Juk aplinkui tiek melo...

nieko. ne visi kaciokai durni. pagalvos ir supras.
Romualdas Wrote:
Darius Wrote:
Romualdas Wrote:
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:
petrasp Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Kipro.
Kipro IFBB federacija, nusivylusi IFBB veikla, keičia vėliavą ir stoja į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras ,
I was talking this days with a very good athlete from Cyprus that is been competing with IFBB so far like we use to before joining WFF. His name is Avramis and he owns the gym where we train , and he suggested that we should bring WFF over here .
It looks like more athletes from Cyprus complain of IFBB organizations and we were wondering if there is a way we can bring WFF to Cyprus ? If there is , can you tell us what are the criteria’s and what is that we have to do for having WFF in Cyprus ?
Thank You for your time …
Regards ,
Mona & Marios

Tarptautinė WFF federacija, palaikydama Kipro sportininkus, išsakė savo poziciją šiuo klausimu:
Tarptautinė IFBB - tai privati dviejų žmonių komercinė firma, o Tarptautinė WFF federacija - tai visuomeninė Tarptautinė Sporto Organizacija.
Kiprui reikia steigti Nacionalinę WFF federaciją, rinkti federacijos prezidentą ir įstoti į tarptautinę WFF federaciją:

Dear Mona,
IFBB-International is a private firm. It has 2 owners: JIM MANION and ERIC WEIDER. Maybe RAFAEL SANTONJA is the third Owner of IFBB-International now.
WFF-International is a public non profit International Sport Federation.
WFF has no fee, WFF makes no business. Just Sport and only Sport.
In case Cyprus want to have a National Cyprus WFF federation, just make a meeting, elect the Prersident of the National Cyprus Federation and start to work: make National WFF Cyprus Championships, collect National Cyprus Teams to WFF-International Events etc.
Just be brave and go ahead!
I will help You as much as I can.

kaip matau, pamazu visi pradeda susivokti federacijose...

Apie tai, kad sportininkai ir sporto vadovai įvairiose šalyse pradeda susimąstyti ir daryti savo išvadas apie tą oficialumą, įstatymų laikymąsi, apie ką teigia WFF, šiandien iš Kipro gautame laiške rašoma tiesiai ir atvirai:

Mr.Edmundas Daubaras
I have spoke to the guy that is interest at bringing WFF to Cyprus and let him now what is necessary for us to do in order to make it happen … He seems very interested and he believe we can do it.
We want to bring him at one of your coming contests as an athlete so he can see for him self haw things are done in WFF. I have show some people as well your Magazine and the DVD from World Pro Championships .
You see I have thing my self long ago of bringing WFF over here but it takes time to make people start paying attention to what is right and what not.
All keep you in touch as soon I have more news ….
Mona & Marios
WFF Cyprus

teisingai galvoja. malaciai.

Taip, bet įsivaizduokite, kiek reikia energijos ir laiko, kad žmonės susimąstytų ir pradėtų daryti savo išvadas. Juk aplinkui tiek melo...

nieko. ne visi kaciokai durni. pagalvos ir supras.

matau, akd sita tema lietuvos sportininkai pamego.
man ji ir gi labai idomi.
suzinojau gaug naujo, ko niekur nesuzinosiu, nes visa tai slepiama nuo sportininku...
Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.
wff_edita Wrote:Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

issiverciau (su zodynu)...
eik tu sau!!!
Martynas Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

issiverciau (su zodynu)...
eik tu sau!!!

:oops: :oops: :oops:
laima Wrote:
Martynas Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

issiverciau (su zodynu)...
eik tu sau!!!

:oops: :oops: :oops:

da, ispanec mnogo znajet...
Только самая свежая и правдивая информация от И. Меташкина:
Ibragim Wrote:
laima Wrote:
Martynas Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

issiverciau (su zodynu)...
eik tu sau!!!

:oops: :oops: :oops:

da, ispanec mnogo znajet...

ir tai sako ispanijos ifbb vadas? sakes, kokia geda!
antanas Wrote:
Ibragim Wrote:
laima Wrote:
Martynas Wrote:
wff_edita Wrote:Vėl sugrįžtant prie mūsų temų.
Ką tik varčiau visą krūvą laiškų, kuriuos atsiuntė mums dabartinio IFBB prezidento RAFAELIO SANTONJOS ilgametis pavaduotojas ispanas Jose Pardo Hidalgo.
Patvirtinti mūsų argumentus apie IFBB komercinę firmą, vieną iš šių laiškų įdedu čia į forumą.
Kraupi iformacija, turint galvoje, kad ji sklinda iš buvusio IFBB pareigūno lūpų:

I am the responsible if Mr.Santonja,who hates me now and also Weider, is now the Assitant of Ben Weider,in 1970 go ahead like a father for me,now a tremendous enemie...forgetting me.Business with santonja because i was the comkmisioner,I receive in 1984 a commision,busines are business,out of the Federation,we all know Ben Weider did a mixture,federation with his economic interests,but people are not silly,he only wants money,even mi old friend,now enemy Rafael santonja from Madrid,I was living in Madrid in the past.Now,I live en Sout East,my land,Murcia,the land of fruits,lemon,oranges,lettuces, beans,etc...wonderfull¡¡.I was born here¡¡¡Madrid is a city very noisy,for crazy persons..ja,ja,ja,ja, is tremendous...truth¡¡,but also a little joke¡¡.Recently, Mr.Weider wanted to carry me to the court,with a lawyer,because I sent lots of emails around the World discovering his tie with organisation he wants to destroy hiomosexual but doing business with homosexual persons which he says to hate...????.We all must respect to other person and his sexual condition.....even a person,very friendly with an enemy of the IFBB and Weider,told me ..???..that Mr. Weider like also men for sex..????.I cross my finger.I know nothing.I have no proof.In any case, I hate the hipocresy.Sport is a thing,sexual condition,another one,the most important into a his good hear,good feeling and to pass in this life doing good things for helping to people¡¡¡.OK???.
Best regards,
Now Ileave computer, 3 hour,I go to play domino,4 person,some matcheswith old people,House of the pensioners¡¡¡.
Best regards.
Dr.Prof.Jose Pardo Hidalgo,Ph.D.

issiverciau (su zodynu)...
eik tu sau!!!

:oops: :oops: :oops:

da, ispanec mnogo znajet...

ir tai sako ispanijos ifbb vadas? sakes, kokia geda!

kai kam reikia apsikasti lapais, bet kad lapu lauke nera...
dabar supratau kodel manes nenorejo susirinkime kaune,pagal toki tvarkarasti varzybu matosi stipri federacija,

• „Saulės taurė“ - (2007.___.___) Šiauliai
• Lietuvos čempionatas, „Mis ir Misteris Baltija“ – (2007.05.19) Kaunas
• WPF Europos čempionatas 2007.06.xx) ...........................................
• WFF Universas – (2007.06.03) Northeimas, Vokietija
• NABBA pasaulis – (2007.06.09) Malta
• WABBA Europa – (2007.06.xx) .........................................................
• Klubų taurės varžybos I etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• Klubų taurės varžybos II etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• 59-tas NABBA Universe - (2007.10.27) Sautportas, U.K.
• WPF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.06.xx)
• WFF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11. __) Johanesburgas, P.Afrika
• WABBA pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11.___) .................................
• NABBA Europos čempionatas – (2007.11.___)...................................
Gintas Wrote:dabar supratau kodel manes nenorejo susirinkime kaune,pagal toki tvarkarasti varzybu matosi stipri federacija,

• „Saulės taurė“ - (2007.___.___) Šiauliai
• Lietuvos čempionatas, „Mis ir Misteris Baltija“ – (2007.05.19) Kaunas
• WPF Europos čempionatas 2007.06.xx) ...........................................
• WFF Universas – (2007.06.03) Northeimas, Vokietija
• NABBA pasaulis – (2007.06.09) Malta
• WABBA Europa – (2007.06.xx) .........................................................
• Klubų taurės varžybos I etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• Klubų taurės varžybos II etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• 59-tas NABBA Universe - (2007.10.27) Sautportas, U.K.
• WPF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.06.xx)
• WFF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11. __) Johanesburgas, P.Afrika
• WABBA pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11.___) .................................
• NABBA Europos čempionatas – (2007.11.___)...................................

ai, gintarai, nesityciok is tu vargsu...
Tuse Wrote:
Gintas Wrote:dabar supratau kodel manes nenorejo susirinkime kaune,pagal toki tvarkarasti varzybu matosi stipri federacija,

• „Saulės taurė“ - (2007.___.___) Šiauliai
• Lietuvos čempionatas, „Mis ir Misteris Baltija“ – (2007.05.19) Kaunas
• WPF Europos čempionatas 2007.06.xx) ...........................................
• WFF Universas – (2007.06.03) Northeimas, Vokietija
• NABBA pasaulis – (2007.06.09) Malta
• WABBA Europa – (2007.06.xx) .........................................................
• Klubų taurės varžybos I etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• Klubų taurės varžybos II etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• 59-tas NABBA Universe - (2007.10.27) Sautportas, U.K.
• WPF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.06.xx)
• WFF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11. __) Johanesburgas, P.Afrika
• WABBA pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11.___) .................................
• NABBA Europos čempionatas – (2007.11.___)...................................

ai, gintarai, nesityciok is tu vargsu...

labiausiai man patiko praeitais metais.
lietuvos ifbb savo varzybu kalendoriu internete idejo tik liepos menesi...
kuo daugiau tokios savalaikes informacijos, tuo stipresne federacija...
Gabriele Wrote:
Tuse Wrote:
Gintas Wrote:dabar supratau kodel manes nenorejo susirinkime kaune,pagal toki tvarkarasti varzybu matosi stipri federacija,

• „Saulės taurė“ - (2007.___.___) Šiauliai
• Lietuvos čempionatas, „Mis ir Misteris Baltija“ – (2007.05.19) Kaunas
• WPF Europos čempionatas 2007.06.xx) ...........................................
• WFF Universas – (2007.06.03) Northeimas, Vokietija
• NABBA pasaulis – (2007.06.09) Malta
• WABBA Europa – (2007.06.xx) .........................................................
• Klubų taurės varžybos I etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• Klubų taurės varžybos II etp. – (2007.___.___) (Gargždai/Druskininkai)
• 59-tas NABBA Universe - (2007.10.27) Sautportas, U.K.
• WPF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.06.xx)
• WFF pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11. __) Johanesburgas, P.Afrika
• WABBA pasaulio čempionatas – (2007.11.___) .................................
• NABBA Europos čempionatas – (2007.11.___)...................................

ai, gintarai, nesityciok is tu vargsu...

labiausiai man patiko praeitais metais.
lietuvos ifbb savo varzybu kalendoriu internete idejo tik liepos menesi...
kuo daugiau tokios savalaikes informacijos, tuo stipresne federacija...

WPF ir realiai neegzistuojančios gyvenime tarptautinės NABBA asociacijos vadai turi bendrų bruožų.
Labai svarbu, kad tie charakteringi bruožai ir toliau puoštų šių neegzistuojančių federacijų vadovus:
WPF savininkas italas Artūras Petrarka ir vokietis Klausas Hofmanas mėgsta varžybas rengti kaimuose, kurių net žemėlapyje lengvai nerasi. Abu vadovai mėgsta, vilkėdami šortais bei sodininko marškinėliais, avėdami naktinėmis šlepetėmis įteikinėti sportininkams apdovanojimus scenoje (Hofmanas ta garbinga proga dar ir savo abu šuniukus iš namų atsiveda į kaimo salėje vykstančias varžybas - tegu pasidžiaugia garbingais sportininkais...).
Beje, paįvairinimui galime ir nuotraukomis pailiustruoti, ką pasakėme, kad nesakytumėtė, kad iš gal ir tokio komentaro pakaks???
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Anglijos.
IFBB profesionalas DAYO AUDI pateikia įdomią informaciją.
DAYO 2003 metais dalyvavo komerciniame Weider "Olympia" turnyre, kur iš 33 dalyvių buvo 11-tas.
Dėja, finalinę varžybų dalį atšaukė, nes "Olympia" organizatoriai neturėjo išrėklamuotų pinigų profesionaliems sportininkams išmokėti...
Štai jo laiškas:

No i am not in anyway a director with the Ifbb.I am an athlete who has obtained a procard to compete at Ifbb shows.The last i did was the Masters olympia in 2003 where i placed 11th out of 33 athletes if i can remember.They then cancelled the show due to lack of funding and i returned to NABBA where i still compete.I have no business conections with any organisation-Just an athlete who likes to compete when he can.I am also a qualified judge with Nabba by the way,and have been so since 2003.
Politics cannot be ruled out in human relations as it is a fact of life.What i hate most about it is the damage it can do to bodybuilding.
Try, try , try to free your organisation from this menace and receive folk with open arms as long as they are genuine or else you will fall into the same trap as the others are doing and end up hanging yourself and your organisation.
If i can make it to Turkey in November i will be coming as DAYO AUDI a lover of true bodybuilding, not as the representative of any interest group or organisation.
Dayo Audi(A.k.a DRX)
E.Sendriene Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Anglijos.
IFBB profesionalas DAYO AUDI pateikia įdomią informaciją.
DAYO 2003 metais dalyvavo komerciniame Weider "Olympia" turnyre, kur iš 33 dalyvių buvo 11-tas.
Dėja, finalinę varžybų dalį atšaukė, nes "Olympia" organizatoriai neturėjo išrėklamuotų pinigų profesionaliems sportininkams išmokėti...
Štai jo laiškas:

No i am not in anyway a director with the Ifbb.I am an athlete who has obtained a procard to compete at Ifbb shows.The last i did was the Masters olympia in 2003 where i placed 11th out of 33 athletes if i can remember.They then cancelled the show due to lack of funding and i returned to NABBA where i still compete.I have no business conections with any organisation-Just an athlete who likes to compete when he can.I am also a qualified judge with Nabba by the way,and have been so since 2003.
Politics cannot be ruled out in human relations as it is a fact of life.What i hate most about it is the damage it can do to bodybuilding.
Try, try , try to free your organisation from this menace and receive folk with open arms as long as they are genuine or else you will fall into the same trap as the others are doing and end up hanging yourself and your organisation.
If i can make it to Turkey in November i will be coming as DAYO AUDI a lover of true bodybuilding, not as the representative of any interest group or organisation.
Dayo Audi(A.k.a DRX)

nu va, olimpijioje ne tik grindys supuvusios ir skyletos, bet dar ir kaciokus apgaudineja ir visai pinigu neduoda... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kaunas, 2007 02 10

2007 m. vasario 10 d. (šeštadienį) nuo 12 val. Kaune, Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijoje (Sporto g. 6) vyks Lietuvos kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacijos (LKFF) ataskaitų konferencija.


1. Atvykimas, delegatų registracija, federacijos nario mokesčio mokėjimas:

11.30 – 12.00 val.

2. Konferencijos delegatų sąrašo paskelbimas.

3. Konferencijos vedimo tvarkos nustatymas

4. LKFF Valdybos narių ataskaitos.

5. 2007m. varžybų tvarkaraštis ir nuostatai.

6. Geriausių 2006 m. Reitingo sportininkų, trenerių ir klubų apdovanojimai.

7. Kiti klausimai


Kaunas, 2007 02 10

2007 m. vasario 10 d. (šeštadienį) nuo 12 val. Kaune, Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijoje (Sporto g. 6) vyks Lietuvos kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacijos (LKFF) ataskaitų konferencija.


1. Atvykimas, delegatų registracija, federacijos nario mokesčio mokėjimas:

11.30 – 12.00 val.

2. Konferencijos delegatų sąrašo paskelbimas.

3. Konferencijos vedimo tvarkos nustatymas

4. LKFF Valdybos narių ataskaitos.

5. 2007m. varžybų tvarkaraštis ir nuostatai.

6. Geriausių 2006 m. Reitingo sportininkų, trenerių ir klubų apdovanojimai.

7. Kiti klausimai


del visa ko atsiklausk is anksto. o kaip su dopingo kontrole - ar konferencijoje tikrins?
Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":

...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
E.Sendriene Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":

...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....

Ronas Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":

...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....


Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:

Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07

02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:
Ronas Wrote:
E.Sendriene Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":

...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....


Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:

Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07

02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City

Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:

Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600

Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania

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