01-10-2006, 04:19 PM
galka Wrote:rob Wrote:When the certificate helps getting trainer's job - it is fine!
That's why so many trainers attend the WFF annual seminar of trainers.
It is a positive work of WFF!
galka Wrote:rob Wrote:When the certificate helps getting trainer's job - it is fine!
That's why so many trainers attend the WFF annual seminar of trainers.
vika Wrote:During the years every time better and better WFF-International steps forward.
This is the poster of 2006 WFF Pro World Championship (November 24-26, Lithunaia):
stock Wrote:vika Wrote:During the years every time better and better WFF-International steps forward.
This is the poster of 2006 WFF Pro World Championship (November 24-26, Lithunaia):
Well done!
george Wrote:Beginning the year of 2006 we can say that 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius was one of the best contests in the history of this sport.
High level of sportismen, many countries, over 700 athletes, wide press and TV publicity, great sponsors, big support of the Government, perfect stage, super awards and... Genuine Diamonds fot the Over All Winners!
petrasp Wrote:george Wrote:Beginning the year of 2006 we can say that 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius was one of the best contests in the history of this sport.
High level of sportismen, many countries, over 700 athletes, wide press and TV publicity, great sponsors, big support of the Government, perfect stage, super awards and... Genuine Diamonds fot the Over All Winners!
It will take some time to understand that!
zenia Wrote:petrasp Wrote:george Wrote:Beginning the year of 2006 we can say that 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius was one of the best contests in the history of this sport.
High level of sportismen, many countries, over 700 athletes, wide press and TV publicity, great sponsors, big support of the Government, perfect stage, super awards and... Genuine Diamonds fot the Over All Winners!
It will take some time to understand that!
You are right!
john Wrote:zenia Wrote:petrasp Wrote:george Wrote:Beginning the year of 2006 we can say that 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius was one of the best contests in the history of this sport.
High level of sportismen, many countries, over 700 athletes, wide press and TV publicity, great sponsors, big support of the Government, perfect stage, super awards and... Genuine Diamonds fot the Over All Winners!
It will take some time to understand that!
You are right!
I wish I have been there!
gelezinis_jonas Wrote:john Wrote:zenia Wrote:petrasp Wrote:george Wrote:Beginning the year of 2006 we can say that 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship in Vilnius was one of the best contests in the history of this sport.
High level of sportismen, many countries, over 700 athletes, wide press and TV publicity, great sponsors, big support of the Government, perfect stage, super awards and... Genuine Diamonds fot the Over All Winners!
It will take some time to understand that!
You are right!
I wish I have been there!
UK was represented in Vilnius anyway. Sam Cillingworht became the World Champion!
edmundas daubaras Wrote:One of the most popular Russia magazines (2 000 000 issues monthly) has written an article about the history of WFF-International:
Nick Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:One of the most popular Russia magazines (2 000 000 issues monthly) has written an article about the history of WFF-International:
dima Wrote:Nick Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:One of the most popular Russia magazines (2 000 000 issues monthly) has written an article about the history of WFF-International:
This means very serious public attitude to WFF-International!
Oleg Wrote:The Best atlet from Latvia 2005 - Maris Kljavins: www.fitnes.lv
Nick Wrote:Oleg Wrote:The Best atlet from Latvia 2005 - Maris Kljavins: www.fitnes.lv
mike Wrote:Nick Wrote:Oleg Wrote:The Best atlet from Latvia 2005 - Maris Kljavins: www.fitnes.lv
I like the pictures!
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many of us learned about the official history of WFF-International through the Internet and last edition of the official WFF magazine.
Every federation has it's own history. You may accept it or not.
For example, history of IFBB is very doubtful. They say IFBB was set in 1946, but we know that the first official IFBB World Championship was held in 1959. What IFBB was doing 13 eyars?
At the same time we can say that fitness as sport started in 1928 in USA. We have documents and pictures of those times.
Say, what fitness star is on this picture (1928, New York, USA)?
stock Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many of us learned about the official history of WFF-International through the Internet and last edition of the official WFF magazine.
Every federation has it's own history. You may accept it or not.
For example, history of IFBB is very doubtful. They say IFBB was set in 1946, but we know that the first official IFBB World Championship was held in 1959. What IFBB was doing 13 eyars?
At the same time we can say that fitness as sport started in 1928 in USA. We have documents and pictures of those times.
Say, what fitness star is on this picture (1928, New York, USA)?
edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many of us learned about the official history of WFF-International through the Internet and last edition of the official WFF magazine.
Every federation has it's own history. You may accept it or not.
For example, history of IFBB is very doubtful. They say IFBB was set in 1946, but we know that the first official IFBB World Championship was held in 1959. What IFBB was doing 13 eyars?
At the same time we can say that fitness as sport started in 1928 in USA. We have documents and pictures of those times.
Say, what fitness star is on this picture (1928, New York, USA)?
stock Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many of us learned about the official history of WFF-International through the Internet and last edition of the official WFF magazine.
Every federation has it's own history. You may accept it or not.
For example, history of IFBB is very doubtful. They say IFBB was set in 1946, but we know that the first official IFBB World Championship was held in 1959. What IFBB was doing 13 eyars?
At the same time we can say that fitness as sport started in 1928 in USA. We have documents and pictures of those times.
Say, what fitness star is on this picture (1928, New York, USA)?
I love this old picture!
Darius Wrote:stock Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Many of us learned about the official history of WFF-International through the Internet and last edition of the official WFF magazine.
Every federation has it's own history. You may accept it or not.
For example, history of IFBB is very doubtful. They say IFBB was set in 1946, but we know that the first official IFBB World Championship was held in 1959. What IFBB was doing 13 eyars?
At the same time we can say that fitness as sport started in 1928 in USA. We have documents and pictures of those times.
Say, what fitness star is on this picture (1928, New York, USA)?
I love this old picture!
I have one more picture of her (New York, 1928):
David Wrote:80 years of fitness? This is fine! WFF-International has so many unexpected suvenairs for the lovers of this sport!
timoxa Wrote:David Wrote:80 years of fitness? This is fine! WFF-International has so many unexpected suvenairs for the lovers of this sport!
Time is enough. Next year the extraordinary Pro event "WFF-International versus USA". Then the year after (2008) "80 Years of Fitness".